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Author Topic: Why Jameis Winston Shouldn't Have Won The Heisman  (Read 2887 times)

Offline ClemsonTiger

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Why Jameis Winston Shouldn't Have Won The Heisman
« on: May 07, 2014, 12:33:17 AM »
With everything in the news lately about Winston, I cannot believe they gave him the Heisman. He has "allegedly" shot out windows with a BB gun, sexually assaulted a young lady (while being taped), and now has shoplifted seafood. What also is sad is that every time, he has not really had any consequences. For the crab leg incident, he ONLY had 20 hours of community service and was supposed to be suspended from the baseball team indefinitely. Well now he has "completed" his crappy 20 hours and is now back on the baseball team. This is an utter joke. With everything going on, he should receive a harsher punishment.

The Heisman Trophy states that, "The Heisman Memorial Trophy Award (usually known colloquially as the Heisman Trophy or the Heisman), is awarded annually to the most outstanding player in college football in the United States whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity. Winners epitomize great ability combined with diligence, perseverance, and hard work."

Winston has not exhibited integrity in any form or fashion. This guy may be good on the field, but he is an utter disgrace off the field. FSU fans should be at the gate with torches and pitch forks, showing that they do not like what is going on and demand action...most of all they should be ashamed and embarrassed to associate themselves with a person like this. About 10-20 years ago, he would be kicked from the team and suspended from the university. Why is FSU covering his ass? To win football games? Well they are loosing their integrity in the process.

I guess the ole "Criminoles" are back.

Here is what we tweeted Winston March 23rd.

Offline TigerFanatic12

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Re: Why Jameis Winston Shouldn't Have Won The Heisman
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2014, 11:24:14 PM »
Damn straight. Neither him or "Johnny Football" should of even be considered for that high honor.


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