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Author Topic: St. Louis Rams could eye Connor Shaw, Tajh Boyd in draft  (Read 3699 times)

Offline ClemsonTiger

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St. Louis Rams could eye Connor Shaw, Tajh Boyd in draft
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:20:35 PM »
NFL Draft Rumors: St. Louis Rams could eye Connor Shaw, Tajh Boyd in draft
By Josh Hill - Apr 20th, 2014 on

The St. Louis Rams have been involved in a lot of draft rumors lately but mostly all of those rumors involve them trading their first round pick to someone else . We haven’t heard much about the Rams strategy for what they plan on doing with the picks they keep, but Jim Thomas of The Saint Louis Post-Dispatch has a few ideas.

According to Thomas, it’s a very high likelihood that the Rams draft a quarterback at some point this year and the list of possible fits is a lot longer than you’d think. Among the names that Thomas lists as possible draft targets for the Rams are Connor Shaw, Tajh Boyd, Aaron Murray and Derek Carr.

All of those names are intriguing because they’re not getting the kind go steam that others are getting — with the exception of Carr.

Should the Rams draft a quarterback, he wouldn’t be competing this summer to push Sam Bradford out and he wouldn’t even be competing for the backup job which is going to Shaun Hill. Rather, Jeff Fisher sees that his team has a giant question mark at quarterback and may end up addressing it in a way that both fills a need with a bright prospect but doesn’t do so in a flashy way that creates controversy.

Bradford may very well be the quarterback of the future for the Rams, but Fisher will likely want to cover all the bases just in case.

Click Here for the original article.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 12:18:47 AM by ClemsonTiger »

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