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Author Topic: Disclaimer and Responsibilities  (Read 15674 times)

Offline ClemsonTiger

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Disclaimer and Responsibilities
« on: March 17, 2013, 01:22:45 AM »
The views and opinions stated in the postings do not necessarily represent those of The Tiger Fan Forum or their moderators.

The views and opinions expressed in postings are the responsibility of the posters and not of The Tiger Fan Forum.

The Tiger Fan Forum will not be held accountable for slanderous comments posted by others. Messages published on this website are the full and complete responsibility of the author.

All website users agree to these rules.

***All Clemson likenesses, logos, names, etc, are property of Clemson University ( and are in no way the property of

« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 10:36:53 PM by ClemsonTiger »

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